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Open the Eyes of the Blind

July 2, 2019
Home, received by Dr. Mary Craig

Psalm 49, Isaiah 49. I will contend with those who contend with you.

I am the Lord your God who has brought you out of deep darkness and through waters that have not overwhelmed you (Isaiah 43). I am He who calls you by My Name, a Name above every Name. I am He whom you exalt, and I have put within you My Spirit. I am the faithful God who has called you to go and who has sent you to the nations, carrying My gospel and proclaiming My Word and that which I have given you to proclaim.

I am healing you. For inside you grieve, a taste of the Holy Spirit’s grieving. Find out what grieves the Holy Spirit. For I grieve over the condition of My people. They stray. Their ears grow dull. They listen to deceiving spirits and doctrines of devils.

Who will follow the Christ? Who will follow the Lamb? When will repentance come that My people may turn from their wicked ways that I might heal them? (2 Chronicles 7:14)

They go through rituals. They go through motions. But their hearts are far away. They do not understand. Some are totally blind. Some see on the periphery. Some barely see for their eyesight is clouded over. Some have poor vision. Their blindness binds. (Isaiah 29:13; Matthew 15:8; Verses on God far away...

You will go to My people and command the light of the gospel to shine into the darkness.
You will bring before Me every instance of healing the blind and intercede for the blind and for those whose minds are darkened.
You will intercede that the veil be removed.

The blind are leading the blind. They are headed for the cliff. They will bring devouring and destruction, for wisdom and the Light of My Life are far from them.

I am coming and every eye will see Me.

Look up “eye” verses and declare them out. I see and nothing is hid from My eyes. (Hebrews 4:13) Verses on God sees everything...

You will go into dark places where I send you to break the bondage of blindness. Open the eyes of the minds to understand and the eyes of hearts to receive. Your message – “Opening the Eyes of the Blind.” You will teach it. You will pray it. You will preach it. You will proclaim it. (Luke 24:45; Ephesians 1:1-18, Ephesians 4:18; Psalm 119:18; Ephesians 3:14-19; Colossians 1:9, 3:16)

And remember people who partake in substance abuse are subject to hallucinations, perverted thinking, crooked sight, etc. Think of the effect of altered states of consciousness, impaired vision, lying manifestations, etc.

I am the Faithful and True Witness. I did what I SAW the Father do. I see clearly. I am the True Light without shadow or turning. (Prayer for the True Light, Prayer for the Lost)

I will open the eyes of the blind. I will lead them in a new and living way. I will take the beam out of their eye. I will sanctify their eyes full of adultery and perversion. I the LORD save and besides ME there is no Savior.

I am coming for a holy Bride and I will see and I will sort and I will sanctify and I will be your God and you WILL be My people.

Bring before the LORD every instance of healing the BLIND and intercede for the blind and for those whose MINDS are darkened. Darkened verses.
Prayer for the True Light. Prayer for the Lost.

Copyright © 2019 Mary Craig Ministries, Inc.


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